How does the Lathe machine works and what are its components?, Lathe Machine

How does the Lathe machine works and what are its components?

Lathe Machine parts & functions

A lathe is a mechanism that rotates a workpiece on a spindle to cut out excess material using cutting tools and drill bits of varying diameters that are applied to the workpiece to produce a symmetrical product. These machines are capable of creating a variety of shapes, cuts, and details on the revolving workpiece. Lathe Machine is designed to rotate a workpiece against a stationary tool bit.


This machine works on a very simple mechanism, it holds the workpiece between centers and makes it get rotated on axis for the operations. Lathe machine includes actions like sanding, cutting, knurling, drilling, and distortion of the tools employed to create symmetrical substances about the axis of rotation.

The standard components

While there are different types of lathes, most feature a few basic parts to facilitate their operations.

  • Bed: Made of cast iron it is a large horizontal structure on which all the main components are mounted
  • Headstock: It is mounted on the inner ways, found at the end of the bed. Using a chuck, it rotates the work.
  • Chuck: are used to holding&driving the work while it is being machined
  • Spindle: It holds the workpiece tightly so the force of the cutting tool cannot overwhelm it.
  • Tailstock: located at the right-hand end of the bed, helps to support the workpiece on the other end.
  • Carriage: It supports, guides, and feeds tools against the workpiece during the process.
  • LeadScrew: used for thread cutting operation
  • FeedRod: It transfers the carriage from the left to right side and vice-versa.
  • ToolPost: It is responsible for holding&moving various cutting bits.
  • Apron: It controls the movements of the carriage and cross-slide.
  • Cross-Slide: It allows the tool bit to slide back&forth.

It is an important machine tool in manufacturing industries due to its versatility. Several profiles can be made on a workpiece using a lathe. If you have any queries about Medium Duty Lathe Machine, lathe machine suppliers, you can contact us at Surelia Industries we would love to hear from you and glad to help you.

How does the Lathe machine works and what are its components?, Lathe Machine

Surelia Industries

Surelia Industries has immense expertise in the manufacturing of lathe machine. We have been providing top quality Lathe Machine to our clients since 1975.

Surelia Industries has immense expertise in the manufacturing of lathe machine. We have been providing top quality Lathe Machine to our clients since 1975.

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